Bushnell Pro X2

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entfernungsmesser bushnell

Bushnell Pro X2

Thanks to the Pro X2, an uncontrolled game of golf is now a thing of the past, because the Pro X2 combines all the advantages and innovations of a distance measuring device. These help to create a relaxed golf experience for beginners, amateurs and advanced golfers.

Brand: Bushnell
Year of publication: 2018
Price: See below the cheapest offers
Customer reviews: Find more below

The Pro X2 combines innovative technologies

Due to the metal housing, the device has a robust and stable construction, which ensures that the Pro X2 will last for a long time. It has a multiple coating with a 6-fold magnification. Of course, the Pro X2 is also waterproof, so that you can measure distances optimally and precisely even in bad weather conditions. The Pro X2 is also approved for tournaments and allows you to focus on different objects no matter how far away they are.

This Golf laser is admitted for tournaments!

Technical features

  • powerful laser range finder
  • sturdy metal housing
  • waterproof construction
  • Distance: 411 meters to the flag
  • impressive range: 5 - 1200 meters
  • dual screen technology
  • accurate and immediate measurements
  • innovative E.S.P. technology
  • Slope Switch Technology
  • PinSeeker mode with JOLT technology
  • Feedback due to slight vibrations
Our conclusion

Very good, but expensive

Thanks to the Pro X2 you can participate in controlled golf games. Also through the tournament event, the player is enabled to use the device in almost any situation. The measuring time is shortened by the innovative technologies still further seconds, so that it always comes to a fast and also exact recording of the distances.

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